Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chapter Four, Change It Up

There are very few things in this world you can change at the drop of a hat.

I can't change world hunger, or the AIDS pandemic in Africa...I can't change the goverment on my own, and I can't always change what people will say to me.

So what do we control?
Our lives.
Our choices.
Our bodies.
Our thoughts.

And somedays, even that's to much to handle.
But somedays, it's a gift. A serious, wonderful, amazing gift. And we can do what we want with said gift.

For example, you can dye your hair. You can dye your hair, ANY color you want, just because you want to.

I did that. Friday night. Because there are ALOT of things in this life I can't change, can't control...and I needed, for a split second to feel like I had the LEAST bit of say in the things I did.

I went dark brown, with a reddish look to it.

I look flipp'en awesome.

So it may not be your hair, it can be ANYTHING. My question is...what would you do? And do you have the courage to go ahead and do it? :)

Good Luck. Let me know how it goes, if it goes, if it doesn't. I like to hear your thoughts, no joke.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Chapter Two, Flannel and Sweats

Flannel. And Sweatpaints.

I just realized how incredibly amazing and beautiful I feel today. And that, the above statement, are the things that I am wearing.

Clothes do not define me. They are something that I cover myself, (and might I add here, I do cover myself) and they are not who I am. I can have the same intelligent conversation in my Dad's old flannel and boy sweatpaints that I can have in a dress.

Why don't we celebrate this more? This feeling we all have where we don't feel the need to doll ourselves up and yet, we still feel amazing? Am I alone in this? Becuase, quite frankly, I feel sexier in flannel and shorts than I do when I wear the nicest most exspensive dress (not that I'm disclaiming these things).

It just made me think, that you know, even though I like to dress up and wear nice clothes, I can still feel just as beautiful in old, raggedy, smelly, used to be boy, clothes.

And might I add...that I am wearing lipstick while I clean my room and wear my flannel and sweats? :)

Have a wonderful day ladies. And no matter what you are wearing today, remember, it's the you inside that counts.

Stay Beautiful People.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Beginning

Here's the deal. I just want to write about this. And this seems to be the best way to do it.

Because I'm so sick of feeling like I'm not pretty. You get me? There are days when I feel and look fantastic...and somedays, I wake up and say, Good Lord, WHY?!. I mean, c'mon, we've all had those days.

But I'm starting a ... revolution.

One where I wake up, and autimatically tell myslef how beautiful I am, even with my hair sticking up in all directions.

Even when I feel gross becuase I've been working out.

Even when I see the boy who broke my heart and made me cry.

Even when the guy I like, doesn't like me.

Because I'm more than the way a guy looks at me.

I've never been one to base my inward happiness on how I look, or to rely on others, mainly, a guy, to make me feel beautiful. But for a while, I let that slip, and did. I'm 20 years old. I weigh 258 pounds. I'm 5'8. I have medium length brown hair, slightly dyed from my younger days, brown eyes, and glasses. I am not little. I am not petit. I am big. Big and loud and funny and loveable and beautiful. I'm beginning to see this. Beginning to own this. Beginning to LOVE THIS. Without someone telling me so...

Februraruy is the month of Love. And like most single girls, I used to dread this month. I mean, Valentines Day? All about that "special someone" and "love" and getting the guy...well POOH to them.

Februray is my offcial I'm going to love myself month.

And if I choose to wear make up and lipstick every day, then so be it.